Support Our Work
Thank you for donating to SEYM!
Your gift supports programs, events, staff salaries, committees, donations to Quaker organizations, and representative travel.
Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Your gift is taxdeductible.
Please consider giving monthly; it helps us in our planning.
To donate by check: Please make check payable to SEYM, with the name of the fund you are donating to in the memo line, and mail to:
SEYM, P.O. Box 1062, St. Petersburg, Florida 33731-1062
Special Fundraisers
The Youth Program
Your gift to the Youth Program supports youth and family activities at the SEYM Gathering, Half Yearly Meeting, family retreats, and throughout the year.
Youth & Young Adult Coordinator
The Youth & Young Adult Coordinator position depends on raising additional funds from Meetings, Worship Groups, and individuals. We need to raise $10,000/year!
International Worship Groups
The International Worship Group Fund aids SEYM Worship Groups in Latin America by providing funds for internet fees and for other needs unavailable in their home countries.
Trustees Funds
The SEYM Trustees manage a portfolio of socially and environmentally conscious investments that provide annual income for SEYM operations and programs. There are unrestricted and restricted funds to benefit various programs.
Please consider a gift to the Unrestricted Fund, which allows the Trustees to put the money where it is most needed.
Learn more about Trustees' funds
Trustees Unrestricted Fund: allows Trustees to support specific requests and new initiatives originating from the Southeastern Yearly Meeting.
Trustees Gathering Youth Fund: supports the annual SEYM Gathering programs & expenses, especially including registration & meals for all youth at no cost to families
Trustees Staff Salary Fund: supports the salaries of all staff members.
Trustees Walton Lecture Fund: supports the annual J. Barnard Walton Lecture at the SEYM Annual Gathering.
Trustees Michener Lecture Fund: supports the annual Dwight & Ardis Michener Memorial Lecture.
Trustees Bertsche Outreach Travel Fund: supports travel undertaken by SEYM members for benefit of SEYM, including intervisitation and travel of SEYM Representatives to other Quaker organizations.