SEYM Community Preparedness

Large meeting of Friends
SEYM Field Secretary for Earthcare Beverly Ward invites Friends to gather online for our second forum aimed at developing suggestions for empowering Meetings, Worship Groups, and other communities to respond to needs that arise from extreme events such as climate change effects, hurricanes, rising temperatures, or economic hardships.

Participants are sought from as many Meetings and Worship Groups as interested in this topic; it would also be helpful to have input from persons with social media skills, youth and young adults, and anyone!

If you were unable to join us for our first discussion, don’t hesitate to join us online on Thursday, May 23rd at 7pm. The slide deck and notes from last month’s meeting will be shared prior to this month’s meeting.

To be as inclusive as possible, participants can drop in to the Zoom sessions as available, or contribute their thoughts or questions by contacting Beverly at

See Zoom login information here>