Yearly Executive Committee

Large meeting of Friends
All are welcome to join us for our Yearly Executive Committee Meeting! The Executive Committee (EC) makes sure that business items are ready to be brought to Yearly Business Meeting, and discerns on various issues that arise. The EC is made up primarily of SEYM officers, clerks and committee clerks, but we also welcome the participation of any SEYM Friends.

If you have an agenda item please email Bill Carlie, YM Clerk and Susan Wade, SEYM Administrative Secretary. You may phone Bill at (407) 840-9862.

For general questions, please email Susan Wade, SEYM Administrative Secretary, or call her at 407-739-4150.

See the EC Agenda in the Yearly Business Meeting Documents in Advance (DIAs)>

The Zoom window will open by 6:45 p.m. For the Zoom login, please register, or see the DIAs.