Our Committee
Field Secretary
Earthcare Blog
SEYM Earthcare Committee
Get Involved! Our committee meetings are open to all members and attenders of SEYM Meetings and Worship Groups. We meet at Yearly Meeting, Fall and Winter Interim Business Meetings, and online. Contact the Earthcare Committee
Field Secretary for Earthcare
The Field Secretary for Earthcare (FSE) assists Southeastern Yearly Meeting and its Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups in discernment and implementation of projects and activities that promote care for the earth, and links SEYM efforts with the wider Quaker world.
Beverly Ward has been serving in this position since 2016. She is available to visit Meetings and Worship Groups, and to lead workshops for both adults and youth on a wide range of topics.
Beverly also connects us to the wider Quaker world. She has been serving as co-clerk of Quaker Earthcare Witness, where she also leads workshops. She works with the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO), serves on the QEW United Nations Working Group, is a corporate member to AFSC, and is our representative to the Florida Council of Churches. She performs pieces related to Earthcare as part of the Bohn Jeverly Theatrical Troupe, is an Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) facilitator, and teaches cultural/applied anthropology at USF.
Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups may invite the Field Secretary for Earthcare to visit by contacting Beverly:
Earthcare Blog
SEYM Friendly Gardening
Beverly Ward, SEYM Field Secretary for Earthcare, has created a short video on ‘SEYM Friendly Gardening.’ In this short tutorial, she talks about xeriscaping, pollinator habitats, rain gardens, and other features of eco-friendly landscaping, using examples from...
Zombie Apocalypse
Are you ready for a disaster like a zombie apocalypse? This video provides information shared in an intergenerational workshop on planning for extreme events, held at the 2023 SEYM Gathering. It used information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Friends Organizations
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW) is a network of Quakers inspiring Spirit-led action for ecological integrity and environmental justice. They offer online workshops and worship sharing, an Earthcare for Children Curriculum, pamphlets and resources.
Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) is a grassroots, nonviolent action group that carries out effective campaigns in the northeast region.
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) is the Quaker lobby in Washington, DC, working for legislation on many Friends priorities, including climate, climate justice, environmental protection, and more. “We Seek An Earth Restored.”
Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) works at the multilateral level to promote effective, fair and ambitious climate action and environmental protection.
Quakers & Climate Change is a portal for Quaker climate action across the globe.
Quaker Institute of the Future (QIF) publishes research-based documents on a variety of Earthcare topics. Visit the QIF Publications page.
Earthcare Resources
SEYM Statement on Climate Change and Environmental Protection
Center for Earth Jurisprudence