String of Peace flags

Peace & Social Justice

Two people holding banner

Our Committee

George Lakey workshop


AFSC at demonstration

Quaker Organizations

Hands with Peace Doves


Peace & Social Concerns Committee

Friends who are concerned about issues of peace and social justice are welcome to join our Peace & Social Concerns Committee, where Friends network on a wide range of issues, such as prevention of deadly conflict, social issues, peace-building and de-militarization, prevention of gun violence, abolishment of the death penalty, workers’ rights, equal rights, immigrant’s rights, economic justice, and non-violent direct action

We lead workshops, and collaborate on suggesting and implementing actions that SEYM, Meetings, and individual Friends can take.

Get Involved! Our committee meetings are open to all members and attenders of SEYM Meetings and Worship Groups. We meet at Yearly Meeting and Fall and Winter Interim Business Meetings, as well as online. Contact the Committee to get be notified of upcoming meetings.

Two people holding banner

Peace & Social Concerns Blog

How to do a Banned Book Give Away

How to do a Banned Book Give Away

At Half Yearly Meeting, Beeg Camarota gave a workshop on how Deland Quakers organized successful banned book giveaway events; and with Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations coming up in January, they want to encourage other Meetings and Worship Groups to do the same.In...

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Land Acknowledgement

Land Acknowledgement

Seminole familyWe acknowledge that the monthly meetings of Southeastern Yearly Meeting are on the unceded lands of many different indigenous peoples.In what is now Florida, coastal Georgia, and South Carolina, the original inhabitants were indigenous peoples of the...

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Quaker Organizations working on peace & social justice

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) promotes lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith in action.

AFSC Miami Office 

Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) A Quaker Lobby in the Public Interest 

Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) is the Quaker presence at the United Nations, representing Friends’ concerns for global peace & justice. 

Quaker House Counseling and support for military service members. 

Friends Peace Teams works on peacebuilding, healing and reconciliation, in local communities. They have initiatives in Africa, Asia-West Pacific, Central and South America. 

Friends Ugandan Safe Transport Fund: aids LGBTQ Ugandans who are fleeing their homeland for their lives and safety 

AFSC at demonstration

Resources: Other Organizations

Hands with Peace Doves

Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a grassroots program of volunteers dedicated to reducing violence in ourselves and in our lives — our homes, schools, prisons, and communities. 

Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) is a human rights organization based in the farmworker community, working for farmworker rights and improvement of their working conditions.

Fair Food Program: ensures humane conditions and fair wages for farmworkers. A project of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. 

Fellowship of Reconciliation: Peace and justice, nonviolent alternatives to conflict, and the rights of conscience

Florida Coalition for Peace & Justice (FCPJ): promotes using peaceful means to achieve peace and social change.

Florida Impact mobilizes communities against hunger & poverty