Faith & Practice
About SEYM Publications
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Some titles are offered in eBook formats; see the title descriptions on this page for eBook availability.
Selections of print publications are also for sale at our Yearly Meeting and Interim Business Meeting gatherings.
We offer discounts for quantity orders: 10% off for 10 or more; 20% off for 20 or more; 40% for bookstores, including Yearly Meeting bookstores.
SEYM Faith & Practice
This 2013 edition of the SEYM Faith & Practice is meant to be a straight-forward teaching document, easy to read and to be used in our meetings and by all Friends. With those uses in mind, it is offered to you at a reduced price of $16.
To Order print copies, e-mail the SEYM office. Cost is $16 + shipping. We offer discounts: 10% for orders over 10, 20% for orders over 20, 40% for bookstores.
To purchase in eBook formats, visit:
- FGC Quakerbooks: in ePub & Kindle for $2.99
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To make the Faith & Practice even more accessible as a learning tool for Friends, the Publications Committee is now offering it online as a pdf. (Note: the pages are scaled for a 5.5″ x 8.5″ book format.)
Faith & Practice pdfs
CHAPTER 1: The Light Within and the Meeting for Worship
CHAPTER 2: The Religious Experiences of Some SEYM Friends
CHAPTER 3: Concerns, Leadings, and Testimonies
CHAPTER 4: Blessed Community: Quaker Faith, Testimony, and Practice
CHAPTER 5: Queries and Advices
CHAPTER 6: Meeting for Worship With A Concern for Business
CHAPTER 7: Membership in the Religious Society of Friends
CHAPTER 8: Marriage and Commitment
CHAPTER 9: Dying, Death, and Bereavement
CHAPTER 10: Clearness Committees
CHAPTER 11: The Monthly Meeting
CHAPTER 12: Establishing New Friends Meetings
CHAPTER 14: Revising Faith and Practice
CHAPTER 15: A Brief History of Quakers in Southeastern USA
Appendix A: Gainesville Monthly Meeting’s practice of Recording Gifts of Ministry
Videos of Walton & Michener Lectures
The SEYM Publications Committee is offering these videos on a ‘Donate-As-Led’ basis. Please donate to help cover our costs!
Do Ye Not Know That Ye Are the Temple of God?
The 2022 Michener Lecture
with Nancy Fennell
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What does it mean for us, as individuals and as Quaker meeting communities, to be “the temple of God?” The two major functions of a temple are to provide a place of worship and to serve under the leadings of God. Nancy shares spiritual practices that help both individuals and the community be ‘temples;’ and how our meetings can be, and are called to be, places of gathered worship, witness, service, love and compassion.
Interruption, Integration, Transfiguration
The 2021 Walton Lecture
with Emily Provance
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Emily Provance spoke out of the silence on how people process and adapt to crises, change, and uncertainty; and she offered some ‘next steps’ in taking care of ourselves, our community, and society. Understanding the impact of what we’ve lived through this last year will take time to reflect and tell our stories. Simple acts of kindness have tremendous power to overcome divisions in our society; but we cannot meet those who distrust us (and who we distrust) with empathy – we cannot love our enemies – if our own basic needs are not met.
Seeking the Seed: Embracing Wholeness, Experiencing the Divine
The 2021 Michener Lecture
with Dr. Petra Doan
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Dr. Petra Doan shares reflections from her personal search for integrity and wholeness that led to a transformational gender journey. It’s a powerful story, full of lessons for any who are seeking to strengthen their connection to the Divine (the Seed) for spiritual transformation and a more authentic life.
Deepening at the Root: Tending the Source of Our Worship & Witness.
The 2023 Walton Lecture
with Christopher Sammond
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Speaking out of the Silence, Christopher Sammond shares what he has learned about opening to and following this tender and vulnerable dimension of ourselves, how it empowers our worship and our witness, and questions he still carries about how to better make room for the power of the Divine to work through us.
Welcome As You Are: Seekers, Finders, Sharing the Journey
The 2023 Michener Lecture
with Joel Cook
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Whoever you are, however you are, you are invited to and welcomed at the Divine banquet table. In this 2023 Michener Lecture, Joel Cook shares stories from his own life, the Bible and other sources: stories of how all are welcome to abundant life in the Spirit, and loved just as we are; stories of restlessness, seeking and finding, of shadows, transformation, and belonging. To truly welcome everyone, we must share our stories of our spiritual journeys with each other — so that all can know they are not alone in their struggles, and that they are loved and welcome just as they are.
Wonder & Welcome: Holding Our Family of Friends in the Light
The 2022 Walton Lecture
with Windy Cooler and Melinda Wenner Bradley
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We want a vibrant multigenerational community, but what stands in the way? What lights the way? What stories do we carry about our families, our meetings, and our faith that invite or discourage our wonder, our welcome, and our inclusion of all ages in community?
Let It Burn: A Call for Attention to the Fires of Our Faith
The 2024 Michener Lecture
with Ann Jerome
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In this lecture, Ann Jerome relates how many Friends express their fears that Quakers are dying out; but that she has also heard many share their excitement about new, creative possibilities. Using the extended metaphor of a forest fire — how it clears out deadwood, makes space for new growth, and is necessary for the survival of ecosystems — Ann led us in understanding that our roots are strong, and where we are now holds opportunities for renewal. This was the Southeastern Yearly Meeting annual Michener Lecture, held on Sunday, January 21, 2024, at Orlando Quaker meetinghouse.
As the Good Shepherd: Leading & Being Led as Friends
The 2025 Michener Lecture
with Adria DiCapua
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Adria (Gulizia) DiCapua speaks about being faithful in listening and following the leadership of the Spirit in our Quaker Meetings and communities. How can we prepare ourselves to have faith in God to lead us into the future? What could it look like to move forward in response to the Spirit’s leading, resisting the urge to trust in our own skills and capacities and instead resting in divine presence and power?
Self-published by the author, Ellie Caldwell (Palm Beach Meeting), these books are offered through SEYM Publications for $7.00 plus shipping.
Proceeds benefit the SEYM General Fund and Youth Program.
Your God Is Just Wrong
Have you outgrown your ideas about God but don’t know where to go now? Do the traditional definitions of God make you cringe but you still believe there must be something more?
This Way In: the inner life
Everything we need for our spiritual lives is within. All the answers we’re looking for. Some people have also said that all healing, emotional and physical, originates from within.
Being Church in an Unchurched World
“Being church for one another” means being present for each other, listening well, and creating a spiritual, and perhaps even unspoken, covenant with another human being and God.
Give Way - A Lifetime of Surrender
Surrender seems to mean giving up your power to the greater strength of another. But does it? As we age, we begin to take in the Holy Presence in which we live and breathe, and begin to experience what it is to surrender to Spirit.
The Little Quaker Book of De-Clutter
How to organize our homes so we live in greater peace and harmony.
The Little Book of Time Mis-Management
As human beings, not human “doings,” we need to find ways during our busy days to be present with Spirit, our essence and true self. Learn to loll, pause, dawdle, and otherwise “waste time” getting to know the spiritual side of life.
Pamphlets of Walton & Michener Lectures
Newest Pamphlets
New Pamphlets are $6 + shipping, available by emailing the SEYM Office. Discounts for quantities apply.
Good News to the Oppressed: Friends’ Witness in the 21st Century
The 2019 Michener Lecture by Eden Grace. Friends are uncomfortable with the concept of “mission,” especially in light of the historic missionary movement’s association with colonialism and racism. Yet what if the true meaning of “mission” is to find out what God is doing and join in?
Remixing Faith: for Love of the Quaker Tradition
Remixing Faith: for Love of the Quaker Tradition The 2018 Michener Lecture by C. Wess Daniels. Daniels calls on Friends to bring about a Quaker renewal that is true to our living faith tradition while adapting and reinterpreting it —- to embody how Spirit is moving among us, practicing love in the contexts we find ourselves in. He offers an approach to renewal that he calls ‘Remixing’— discovering what is most authentic and alive in our tradition and in our communities today, and combining these in new ways.
From My Measure of the Light: Reflections on Human Rights & Our Duty to the Stranger
The 2017 Michener Lecture by Susan Waltz. The author shares her experiences of working in the international human rights movement and in service to Amnesty International, relating stories of friendships and finding our common humanity. She explores the spiritual ground of caring for the stranger, Human Rights as a Collective Good, and our responsibility to stand up for the rights of others and respond to the plight of refugees and immigrants
Active Peace: Friends’ Ministry of Hope in a Despairing World
The 2016 Walton Lecture by Bridget Moix. Bridget Moix offers six ‘stones’ to empower us to live and practice a spiritually grounded, pragmatic, and prophetic ministry of peace.
The Undivided Life: Being Spiritual and Political
The 2016 Michener Lecture by Diane Randall. What calls us to act in the world with love? How is our witness as Friends evidenced in our political lives? Diane Randall, Executive Secretary of FCNL, speaks about Friends’ witness and lobbying for peace, justice, and sustainability.
Creating Space for Community: Both Inside & Out
The 2015 Walton Lecture by Nancy Irving. Friends’ testimony of Community pulls together the range of Quaker values, and informs all we do together. Creating deeper Community requires preparation and willingness to be transformed.
Vision de Hermanos: The Work of Kinship
The 2015 Michener Lecture by Benigno Sanchez-Eppler, in English and Spanish. Benigno speaks about “recovering our Quaker economic traditions, and our mix of industry and integrity, simplicity and abundance, and how that history may bring new visions and new opportunities” for Quakers in South and North America.
Quakers in the 21st Century: Lost–or Found—in Space?
The 2014 Walton Lecture by J. Brent Bill. “Does the Quaker way fit now? Does it work now? What’s our future—immediate and long term? Let’s look at how we, with God’s help, can fit into this brave new world.”
Growing the Beloved Community
The 2014 Michener Lecture by Deborah Fisch. Speaking out of the silence, Deborah Fisch tells us stories about getting to know each other on a deeper level and nourish community. She encourages us to take opportunities to be present with each other, to share our stories and listen to each other, to be faithful in ministry, and to be present together in seeking and following leadings of the Spirit.
Our Walton & Michener Lectures are a rich resource! Browse by topic and title below. All are $4 + shipping, unless otherwise noted. We offer discounts for orders over 10. To order pamphlets, e-mail your request to the SEYM Office.
For SEYM members and attenders, pamphlets 2013 and older are being offered at a sale price of 4 for $ 4 + shipping.
Browse by general topic.
Spiritual Journeys
Spiritual Journey Through Music (with CD) Tom Neilson. Tom tells the story of how his spiritual journey has been grounded in music, particularly in writing songs that give a voice to peace and social justice activism. The 2012 Walton Lecture
Quakers and the Jesus of History with Betsy Neale and Richard Mitchell. The authors, Quaker Universalists, share their journey in understanding Jesus, the enigmatic wisdom teacher, exploring different ‘Jesuses that Friends Might Want to Consider.’ The 2010 Walton Lecture
Being Fully Present to God by Deborah Shaw. Speaking out of the silence, Deborah shares her stories of learning to be fully present in “That Love in and through which I have my life and being…” being fully present to the people around me, being present to, and answering to, that of God within them, as well as that of God within myself. The 2005 Michener Lecture
Shaped by the Light: the Quaker Experience of Worship, Community, & Transformation, with Michael Wajda & Alison Levie. The authors share their personal experiences in their Spiritual journeys; of growing in relationship with the Light, spiritual friends, and community. Individually and together, Michael and Alison have led numerous workshops, retreats, and courses, and traveled in the ministry for Friends General Conference. The 2001 Walton Lecture
Experiencing the Gift of New Life: Stories of My Spiritual Journey, by Joe Volk. Joe Volk, Executive Secretary of FCNL for many years, tells stories from his spiritual journey, sharing the lessons he learned from experiences in a living and present Jesus— a teacher who is encountered in the real world and in relationship with others. “I learned that I can’t know Jesus apart from real people in real situations…” The 2000 Walton Lecture.
For the Heart is an Organ of Fire by Allen Lee Oliver. This lecture was delivered as part commentary and part poem. “I understand [love] as an emotion that drove us into a passionate encounter with the created and spiritual orders.” The 1996 Walton Lecture
How Do I Know It’s A Leading? by Ruth Hyde Paine. Ruth shares stories of being led her personal life, and what her experiences have taught her about leadings: asking for them, hearing them, waiting, doubts and discernment. “How do I know it’s a Leading? For me, it’s often very hard to tell.” Ruth was a member of St. Petersburg Meeting for many years, devoting much of herself to ProNica. 1992 Michener Lecture, reprinted 2002.
Change and Preservation in the Same Current by Lloyd Lee Wilson. Wilson about our collective experience of ‘Continuing Revelation.’ Through the ongoing Divine guidance, “we may see what God is showing us ever more clearly…. there is room for growth and development.” As we mature, individually and collectively, our understanding deepens. The 2011 Michener Lecture.
Deeply Rooted: Alive in the Spirit, with Marcelle Martin. Martin shares experiences that transformed her understanding of who we are and what we are called to be and do. “Friends are called to play a significant role in a global transformation of consciousness. We are called to live and love in ways that help bring divine healing to this world. To do so, we must become deeply rooted in that Mystery we speak of variously as God, Spirit, the Light, the living Christ, Love, the Good.” The 2009 Michener Lecture.
The Foundations of Liberal Quakerism, by Stephen W. Angell. This former SEY clerk, now a professor at ESR, shares a brief, but fascinating, history of how Liberal Quakerism arose. The 2008 Walton Lecture
Leadership and Authority in the Religious Society of Friends, Arthur Larrabee. Having rejected the ‘Power Model’ of leadership, along with human leadership, Quakers can sometimes end up with dysfunctional forms of authority. Larrabee describes a positive, ‘Quaker Model’ of authority where human leaders act under spiritual guidance, working with others, in service of the community. The 2007 Walton Lecture.
Seeking After Christ, Frank Massey. After decades spent as a Quaker worker and traveler in such places as Haiti, Palestine and Kenya, Massey concludes: “we are all seeking to be one… to live in Divine harmony.” 2006 Michener Lecture
Convinced Quakerism, by Ben Pink Dandelion. The author, a well-known British Quaker, talks about the term ‘convincement,’ what it means to Quakers today, and how the original meaning can help us find language to better describe our experience. He shares his personal story of convincement, and relates it to the narratives from early Friends, along with his sense that owning and describing our own spiritual experiences of transformation can also transform and revitalize our Quaker movement. The 2003 Walton Lecture
Finding Our Sacred Ground: Quakerism’s Place in a Globalized Future, Daniel A. Seeger. The 2001 Michener Lecture.
Witnessing the Varieties of Truth, Eduardo & Clara Diaz. Miami Meeting’s own Clara and Eduardo Diaz recount their spiritual journeys, agreeing on a basic premise: “Religion unchecked…results in too many identity based conflicts… Meaning… is best created from service to different others.” The 2000 Michener Lecture
Making Sense of the Century: Some Modern Quaker Ideologies by John Punshon. The 1993 Michener Lecture
The Quaker Meeting for Business, by Douglas Steere. Steere offers a concise introduction to the Quaker meeting for business, with examples of the power of Silence, participative humility and reaching unity. He also describes some ‘occupational diseases’ that can arise as we practice this radical form of decision-making. The 1982 Walton Lecture.reprinted 2005.
the Meeting Community
Prophets, Midwives & Thieves: Reclaiming the Ministry of the Whole, with Noah Baker Merrill. Each generation of Quakers needs “to rediscover and reinterpret our tradition in light of today’s needs.” Noah renames the traditional roles of Ministry, Elders, and Overseers, and explores how these roles are necessary for the ‘ecology’ of vital Friends Meetings. He urges us to reclaim this ‘Ministry of the Whole. The 2013 Michener Lecture. Available in eBook format.
Listening to Hear: Deepening Faith, Nurturing Community, Patty Levering. The author explores how listening spirituality is at the heart of Quakerism. Using Bible stories, early Quaker wisdom, and personal experiences, she discusses how listening to oneself, to others, and to God are all interrelated. The 2012 Michener Lecture.
The Present of Quakerism: Young Adults, Stoph & Maia Carter Hallward. The authors draw on their experiences with Quakerism as Adult Young Friends. They reflect on why they have remained connected to Friends at various forks in the road — graduating, starting their first jobs, having a child — when their friends and peers have often parted company. They explore ways we can nurture relationships across life stages and ages. The 2010 Michener Lecture
Intimations of Renewal in New York Yearly Meeting, by Linda Chidsey. We are familiar with the practice of sharing our individual spiritual journeys. Perhaps less common among Friends today is the understanding that as a people of God, we are also on a corporate journey. Linda tells the story of God’s presence and work among Friends in New York Yearly Meeting. The 2005 Walton Lecture
Being Truthful, with Heather Moir. The 2003 Michener Lecture
Building the Life of the Meeting, with William and Frances Taber. If we are searching for God, why do it together? The Tabors, Ohio Quaker educators, examine how we contribute to the meeting community like parts of one body. 1994 Michener Lecture (reprinted 2001)
The Hidden Center and Outward Scaffolding of Quaker Spiritual Community, Patricia Loring. The author of Listening Spirituality concluded that “we are called to ongoing nonhierarchical mutual love and service in the scaffolding for the life of the whole church… in recognition of …this mysterious, hidden life we share together.” 1998 Michener Lecture
Living as Dual Citizens: the conflict of loyalties between Fortress America and the Beloved Community, Robert Allenson. Allenson, then a member of Tallahassee Meeting, noted that “love freely shared builds the Beloved Community”, that “each of us is a beloved child of God” and that “we long for unity.” The 1996 Michener Lecture
Growing Points, by Thomas Taylor. Taylor, then general secretary of FWCC, recounts visits to Quakers around the globe, noting growing points in communities grounded in love, even in the wake of violence. “We are sometimes led in surprising new directions as we become willing to let go of control, put ourselves quaking and trembling into God’s hands and follow the Light of Christ.” 1995 Walton Lecture
Simple Riches: Reflections on the Work of the Quaker Parent, by Judy and Denis Asselin. The authors speak from their experience, and their parents’ and grandparents’ experience, as Quaker parents, and share stories of working to infuse Quaker values into family life and nurture growth in the Spirit. The 1995 Michener Lecture
The Blessed Community, Marty Walton, 1993 Walton Lecture
the Meeting for Business
Leadership and Authority in the Religious Society of Friends, by Arthur Larrabee. Having rejected the ‘Power Model’ of leadership, along with human leadership, Quakers can sometimes end up with dysfunctional forms of authority. Larrabee describes a positive, ‘Quaker Model’ of authority where human leaders act under spiritual guidance, working with others, in service of the community. The 2007 Walton Lecture.
The Quaker Meeting for Business, by Douglas Steere. Steere offers this simple introduction to the Quaker meeting for business, and provides examples of the power of Silence, participative humility and reaching unity. He also describes some ‘occupational diseases’ that can arise as we practice this radical form of decision-making. The 1982 Walton Lecture, reprinted 2005.
Pray and Pay Attention, by Charles K. Brown III. The 1991 Michener Lecture, 5th printing
Peace & Social Justice
Quaker Racism, Donna McDaniel & Vanessa Julye. McDaniel and Julye, authors of Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship, talk about the history of Quakers, slavery, and race; and share stories of their work “travelling among Friends and non-Friends working to try to break down the walls and break down the barriers between us.” 2011 Walton Lecture
Struggle and Hope, Mary Ellen McNish. How do we as Friends stay in that place of generosity? How does a Quaker organization working for peace, justice and human rights stay in that place of generosity? In a world that seems to have gone mad, with struggle upon struggle making us weary and hurt and angry, where do we find refuge and hope? What can we do—alone and together—to find refreshment, hope, opportunity and inspiration? The 2009 Walton Lecture
Letting Go of Illusion, Engaging Truth: Healing! Niyonu D. Spann. Spann challenges us to reflect on how lies, based in the fear of others, separate us in our Meetings, and allow the marginalization of groups to continue. She explores the spiritual and emotional ground of letting go of our fears and healing— and invites us to embrace the Truth so we can be co-creators with God in living in Blessed Community. 2007 Michener Lecture
Here I Am, Lord, with Ernestine and Vincent Buscemi. The authors describe the experience of living the simple prayer, ‘Here I Am, Lord,’ which brings them a joyful faith that inspires action and service, a daily harmony with God’s will, personal growth, and Blessed Community. They share stories of being led to take action in difficult, even dangerous situations. “I stand before you called out of my comfort zone, and called to that place where God does the work that makes one grow.” The 2006 Walton Lecture
A Vision of Peace, by Mary Lord. The author shares some ‘tools’ we can use to do practical work for peace, as well as reflections on the spiritual ground of our Peace Testimony. “We humans have created cycles of death and destruction. We must find and speak our truth. Otherwise these cycles, which cause such suffering, will end in catastrophe.“ The 2004 Walton Lecture
New Theory, Old Practice: Nonviolence and Quakers, by George Lakey: Observes this nonviolent activist, “nonviolent action is an old practice among Quakers – it’s an old practice among human beings, and yet we are just now catching up with some theory – to try to understand how the darn thing works so that we can apply it in a more systematic way.” 2004 Michener Lecture
Mysticism and Activism: Learning from John Woolman, by Michael Birkel. In John Woolman, we see a unity of the inward and outward, of contemplation and social action. Birkel explores the writings of John Woolman, inviting us to an integrated life where action is worship, and worship becomes action. 2002 Michener Lecture
Equality, by Deborah Ann Saunders. Speaking out of the silence, Deborah shares personal stories of personal transformation: of being led by the Spirit to reach out love in very difficult situations, making brothers and sisters of the stranger and the difficult person, and overcoming the divide of racism. She also strongly inspires and challenges us Quakers to get out of our comfort zone, feel the revolution that Spirit calls us to, and do what we really need to do about social justice, peace, and racism. The 1999 Walton Lecture.
Friends Leading: Climate Change: A Crisis of Spirit, by Roy Taylor III. Roy talks about how our testimonies, practices, and organizations equip and call Quakers to be leaders in earthcare. He challenges Friends to be active and lead in addressing Climate Change. He shares his stories of working with others to create sustainable living solutions. The 2013 Walton Lecture.
In The Love Of Nature, by Steve Smith. Sharing stories and insights, the author explores in depth the global ecological movement: the dynamics of what is happening, what is needed spiritually, and what Friends have to offer. “Reduced to its simplest terms, the ecological crisis is a vast pattern of insufficient love: love of humans, love of non-human life, love of the earth itself, love of God.” 2008 Michener Lecture
Be Ye Perfect: The Quaker Call to Wholeness, by Lisa Lofland Gould. Gould describes the Quaker sense of ‘perfection’— “a life-long journey toward integrity, toward wholeness”—and how our wholeness depends on depends on living in right relationship with others, community, and Creation. Includes Lisa’s welcoming address: Returning to Right Relationship: Where On Earth Are We? 2002 Walton Lecture
Walking Gently on the Earth, by John Yungblut: The author advocates “becoming a contemplative for the sake of the earth.” “And if we truly believe that there is that of God in every living creature, we must accept the corollary that God will never appear again in that particular form.” 1990 Walton Lecture