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South Carolina
Latin America
Southeastern Yearly Meeting (SEYM) is a community of Quaker Meetings and Worship Groups in Florida, and coastal Georgia and South Carolina; plus Worship Groups in Havana, Cuba and in Managua, Nicaragua.
You are welcome at Friends Meeting! We are a mix of newcomers and longtime members, with people of various religious backgrounds, gender identities and orientations.
Youth and children are welcome! Some Meetings have regularly scheduled ‘First Day School’ for youth, others provide this on an as-needed basis. Children typically spend the first 15 minutes in worship with adults, then go to First Day School. Older youth may stay in worship if they wish, and very young children may remain in worship with their parents if they are comfortable and quiet. Contact the local meeting you plan to visit for details.
Some Meetings and Worship Groups offer both in-person and hybrid worship. Check their website or contact person about online worship availability.
South Carolina
Clearwater Meeting
Deland Meeting - Quakers of Deland
Fort Lauderdale Meeting
Meets Sundays at 11:00 am, online via Zoom
Contact Brian Humphrey, meeting clerk,
or call (954) 682-1433 for login information
Fort Myers Meeting
Gainesville Friends Meeting
Halifax Friends Meeting
Meets Sundays at 10:30 am
Meets in homes; call for location
(386) 441-7562
Jacksonville Quaker Worship Group
Key West Worship Group
Meets November – April, Sundays at 11:30 am
327 Elizabeth Street, Key West, FL
757 575-7002
Quaker Meeting of Melbourne
Quakers of Orlando
Palm Beach Quaker Meeting
St. Augustine Quaker Worship Group
St. Petersburg Meeting
Sarasota Meeting
Tallahassee Friends Meeting
Tampa Friends Meeting
Treasure Coast Worship Group
Winter Park Friends Meeting
Meets Sundays at 10:00 am
Westminster Baldwin Park, C-D Amenities Building, 2789 Lake Baldwin Lane, Orlando, FL
(407) 405-7640
Latin America
Havana Worship Group
Call for location and directions
Cuba phone: (53) 5118179
US phone contact (English and Spanish) 239 529-0895
Managua Worship Group
Meets 3rd Sunday of the month at 11am
Casa Benjamin Linder Barrio Monsenor Lescanovde donde fue el Banco Popular, 2 c. al lago1 y media c. arriba, Managua