Climate Change Theatre Action: A Means of Discernment

Every other year, about 50 professional playwrights, representing all inhabited continents as well as several cultures and Indigenous nations, are commissioned by CCTA to write five-minute plays about an aspect of the climate crisis based on a prompt. The plays are made available to potential organizers interested in presenting an event in their communities. Events can be in-house readings, public performances, radio shows, podcasts, film adaptations. Fortunately, SEYM Half Yearly Meeting occurs during or near to the time of the COP meetings and the Bohn Jeverly Troupe shares an offering from the latest cycle during the talent show.
Over the years, the troupe has recorded several of the plays. This first offering, Homo Sapiens, written by one of the CCTA creators, Chantal Bilodeau, is from the 2017 cycle of plays. (Watch our video below!) Chantal says this play was “Inspired by Elizabeth Kolbert’s The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History.” The theme for the 2017 Festival was “Where is the Hope?”
Beverly Ward & John Heimburg
If you’re interested in learning more, visit the Climate Change Theatre Action website. Then please contact me, Beverly, to talk about how you can collaborate with us!
Beverly Ward
SEYM Field Secretary for Earthcare
Email (813) 928-8823
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