Southeastern Yearly Meeting

Quakers in Florida, Coastal Georgia & South Carolina

You Are Welcome

We gather for spiritual renewal and friendship, and advocate for peace, social justice, and care for the earth.

Find Quakers

You are welcome at any of our Meetings and Worship Groups! We are a mix of newcomers and longtime members, with people of various religious backgrounds, gender identities and orientations.

Our Worship

Quaker worship is grounded in silence, where we listen deeply for what is in our hearts, for inner guidance, and a sense of connection. There is no program or sermon.

Our Faith

The heart of our faith is the experience of the inner source of spiritual connection, renewal, and guidance that is present in everyone. We have no creedal beliefs; faith is a way of life.

What we do

Southeastern Yearly Meeting brings together Friends from Meetings and Worship Groups in our region to share resources, deepen our faith, and work together to advocate for peace, social justice, and sustainability. We hold events in person and online, gathering for spiritual renewal, collaboration, friendship, and fun. We connect Friends to the wider Quaker community, and write and publish the SEYM Faith & Practice.

Upcoming Events

Latest News

WIBM & Michener Lecture Highlights

WIBM & Michener Lecture Highlights

About 100 people gathered in person and online for Winter Interim Business Meeting on Saturday, January 20th and the Michener Lecture on Sunday, January 21st. Orlando Friends, as they do every year, hosted these events, providing delicious breakfasts and lunches.

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Half Yearly Meeting Photo Gallery

Half Yearly Meeting Photo Gallery

About 60 Friends and friends enjoyed nature, good food, fellowship and fun at this year’s Half Yearly Meeting, held over the long Thanksgiving weekend at Wekiwa Springs, Florida. There were many new faces of all ages: new attenders, friends of Friends, and folks who...

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How to do a Banned Book Give Away

How to do a Banned Book Give Away

At Half Yearly Meeting, Beeg Camarota gave a workshop on how Deland Quakers organized successful banned book giveaway events; and with Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations coming up in January, they want to encourage other Meetings and Worship Groups to do the same.In...

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Queries for the Journey

The Worship and Ministry Committee offers “Queries for the Journey,” weekly queries to help Friends center in their daily journey through quiet, contemplative reflection. New queries will be posted monthly.

Queries for the Journey – 9th Month (September) 2024

1st week:

When have I allowed my own agenda to get in the way of really listening to others? When have I been able to put aside my own agenda to engage fully with another?

2nd week:

In what ways have I exemplified the teachings of Jesus in my interactions with others? What are things that keep me from doing so?

3rd week:

How do those who have gone before me – the cloud of witnesses – give me encouragement to do what I am called to do?

4th week:

What is my present leading, whether large or small, in which I am following the promptings of the Spirit? Am I able to discern work that is spiritually authentic and grounded in God?

5th week:

How do I see my Meeting naming and supporting the spiritual gifts of its members and attenders? What gifts do I recognize in myself, and how do I stay faithful regarding this?