SEYM Seeks Youth & Young Adult Coordinator

The main work is organizing and facilitating three annual events: a 4-day gathering culminating with Easter Sunday, a 4-day event over Thanksgiving weekend, and a weekend family gathering held in July/August. Good communication skills, including computer and Zoom proficiency, are essential. To ensure the successful outreach to youth, young adults and families, the person needs to develop relationships personally or virtually with youth, their families, and young adults in the Yearly Meeting and provide resources and support to help monthly meetings expand their own youth programs, which encourages attendance at YM events.
The position is a half-time job, paying $24,000 per a 12-month period for a three-year term, extendable by the Yearly Meeting Gathering and Youth Committees, with possible COLA increases and merit pay based on an annual review. The person will work with and be supported by the Youth Committee and the Gathering Committee, consisting of Quakers from around the yearly meeting who meet regularly online.
Ideally, the person would reside in Florida but could work remotely, with the understanding that they would be present for the annual events described above.
For more information, please email the YYAC Search Committee — Kathy Hersh, Susan Vaughen, and Mira Tanna.
We welcome applicants of all genders and ethnic backgrounds.
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