Post Template

Post Template

Post Template T his is your introductory paragraph. The line height is 1.8em. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ornare dictum nibh eu tincidunt. Nam neque tellus, convallis ac faucibus et, hendrerit id nulla. Phasellus elementum gravida...
Fall Interim Business Meeting 2023 Highlights

Fall Interim Business Meeting 2023 Highlights

Fall Interim Business Meeting 2023 Highlights About 40 Quakers, representing several of our SEYM Meetings and Worship Groups, gathered in person and online for our 2023 Fall Interim Business Meeting, held at the Sarasota meetinghouse on Saturday, October 14th....
Earthcare Workshop Offerings

Earthcare Workshop Offerings

Field Secretary for Earthcare Beverly Ward is available to visit Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups within SEYM to present workshops or to help them discern their leadings in advocacy or activism in care for the earth. She can meet with you in person or online.

Post Template

SEYM Friendly Gardening

SEYM Friendly Gardening Beverly Ward, SEYM Field Secretary for Earthcare, has created a short video on ‘SEYM Friendly Gardening.’ In this short tutorial, she talks about xeriscaping, pollinator habitats, rain gardens, and other features of eco-friendly landscaping,...