Southeastern Yearly Meeting

Quakers in Florida, Coastal Georgia & South Carolina

You Are Welcome

We gather for spiritual renewal and friendship, and advocate for peace, social justice, and care for the earth.

Find Quakers

You are welcome at any of our Meetings and Worship Groups! We are a mix of newcomers and longtime members, with people of various religious backgrounds, gender identities and orientations.

Our Worship

Quaker worship is grounded in silence, where we listen deeply for what is in our hearts, for inner guidance, and a sense of connection. There is no program or sermon.

Our Faith

The heart of our faith is the experience of the inner source of spiritual connection, renewal, and guidance that is present in everyone. We have no creedal beliefs; faith is a way of life.

What we do

Southeastern Yearly Meeting brings together Friends from Meetings and Worship Groups in our region to share resources, deepen our faith, and work together to advocate for peace, social justice, and sustainability. We hold events in person and online, gathering for spiritual renewal, collaboration, friendship, and fun. We connect Friends to the wider Quaker community, and write and publish the SEYM Faith & Practice.

Upcoming Events

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Queries for the Journey

The Worship and Ministry Committee offers “Queries for the Journey,” weekly queries to help Friends center in their daily journey through quiet, contemplative reflection. New queries will be posted monthly.

Queries for the Journey – 11th Month (November) 2024

1st week:

If it is a time for courage, how do I keep anchored amidst the storm? What helps me remain a source of strength and calm for others?

2nd week:

In what ways am I reaching for a deeper sense of spirit, or seeking a resting place? What questions would I be willing to ask myself?

3rd week:

In what ways does nature inform my faith? How do I hold the joys and sorrows of my experience?

4th week:

When holding a question in the Light, do I find insight rising from the stillness or do I find myself too impatient to listen? What practice might help me sink in enough to “be still and cool in [my] own mind and spirit”?