WIBM & Michener Lecture Weekend

We minuted a process that would enable SEYM to put out public statements more quickly, in order to respond to the rapidly unfolding events. Committees can send a draft statement to the YM Clerk, who would bring it to the Executive Committee for any review and approval.
The Committee for Ministry on Racism (CMoR) is working on ways we can defend and assist immigrants as they face dangerous and uncertain times under the new US administration. The time is now for Quakers to speak up. Faith in Florida and the Florida Council of Churches are two organizations working on immigrants’ rights; both are planning Lobby Days for the upcoming legislative session. AFSC Florida is also an organization for Friends to connect with. CMoR will be leading a workshop at the SEYM Gathering, Becoming An Anti-Racist Yearly Meeting in Earnest.
There are some critical volunteer positions that need filling. The Nominating Committee reported that they are looking for: a Half Yearly Meeting Clerk, a Gathering co-clerk in training, a Recording Clerk, Finance Committee members, and representatives for Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW), Quaker United Nations (QUNO), and Quaker House. Contact Nominating Clerk Brian Olson for more information.
FIBM minutes about helping Fort Myers Meeting partner with the Unitarians to start a school were laid down, as that project is not going forward. Further proposals from the Quaker Call Committee will come forward to Yearly Business Meeting.
Treasurer Joel Cook reported that for the first half of the SEYM Fiscal Year, contributions are slow coming in; SEYM has received only 29% of its budgeted contributions from Meetings and Worship Groups, and only 20% of the target for individual contributions. Send money! Also, we need to raise $10,000 in donations each year to support the Youth and Young Adult Coordinator (YYAC) position. You can donate to the YYAC fund here>
Field Secretary for Earthcare Beverly Ward continues working with Friends on SEYM Community Preparedness. She was a speaker at Clearwater Monthly Meeting’s public forum on climate change. Beverly is available to visit Meetings and Worship Groups, and offers a long list of workshops on various topics. . See her report in the Documents In Advance for more in-depth information.
Youth & Young Adult Coordinator Rachel Dellinger announced that Gavin Sherrod, a young adult from Orlando Meeting, will be representing SEYM at the FWCC Section of the Americas in Scottsdale, Arizona, in March. Since Rachel began her tenure in August, she has visited St. Augustine and Jacksonville Worship Groups and Gainesville and Savannah Meetings. The Young Adults will be launching two book clubs.
Winter Interim Business Meeting. 40 Friends attended in person and online.
At the Meeting Forum, held in the morning after committee meetings, we heard that some Meetings are experiencing an uptick in visitors and newcomers since the election, some are getting more engaged with social justice issues, and some are more active in their communities or doing more outreach.
Deland Meeting gave away 800 books at an MLK Day event. They are collaborating with Unitarians on social justice issues, as well as looking for ways to increase their connections with African American Churches. They are also planning a regional gathering for this year.
Fort Myers Meeting has abandoned plans to build a meetinghouse on property leased from the Unitarians, but they are looking for another site.
Palm Beach Meeting has been underwriting spots on their local NPR station. They’ve had more attenders and visitors recently.
Havana Worship Group is not holding meetings; due to the situation in Cuba, travelling to get together is difficult. Mercedes Soca is trying to bring their clerk to SEYM for a cultural exchange.
Melbourne Friends hold their hybrid meetings at a Unitarian church. They also meet once a month at park for worship and a potluck, putting out a sign ‘All are Welcome.’ They have had a few people drop in.
St. Augustine Worship Group, which meets at the United Church, gets a lot of visitors from putting our a small sign. They recently partnered with the church to present a series on ‘Civil Rights at 60.’ They are discerning how to respond to recent and emerging threats to civil rights.
Miami Meeting has three new members; one is a professional musician who leads them in music once a month. Brian Olson recommends Northern Spirit Radio’s “Spirit Action” podcast, hosted by a Quaker, Mark Helpsmeet.
Michener Lecture Q&A
The Michener Lecture
On Sunday, Friends attended worship at Orlando Meeting, enjoyed an amazing lunch provided by Orlando Friends.
Adria (Gulizia) DiCapua presented the Michener Lecture, As the Good Shepherd: Leading and Being Led as Friends. She lifted up the parable of the Good Shepherd as a model of how we can recognize true Spirit-led authority and leadership, cultivating relationships of care and trust in Spirit and each other.
Faithfulness to the Light needs to be our primary concern, or else we can slip back into worldly ways, where the true gifts in the ministry and the voice of Spirit go unrecognized, making space for covert, dysfunctional forms of human leadership to emerge.
Adria talked about some different Quaker roles in our meetings, such as Elders and Clerks, and what faithful leadership looks like: our primary duty is not to advance our own agenda, but to create the space and structure that allows God’s voice to move through our community — to see that the channels are open to channel the living waters — and watch for unity to emerge.
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Meet our new Youth & Young Adult Coordinator
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SEYM Community Preparedness
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