sea oats on dunes

Archives & Documents

Group photo annual meeting 2014

SEYM Archives

Miami Friends Meeting sign and building

Archives of Meetings

Stack of papers folders

Handbooks, Policies, & Forms

Meeting for Business

Business & Finance Documents

SEYM Archives

The SEYM archives are being permanently housed in the archive repository of the Smathers Library on the University of Florida campus, in Gainesville, Florida.

Southeastern Yearly Meeting, along with each of its constituent Meetings and Worship Groups, create records that have a historical value for future generations. They show how we evolved, who we were, what we were concerned about, and what actions we took. They are useful not only to Quakers but to others interested in the social development of our communities such as students in the new discipline of Florida studies. We have a duty and responsibility to safeguard these records so that they are available to all who will need them.

The SEYM Archives Committee has been working to digitize and catalog all materials so that this collection can be open to researchers, historians, and the public, hopefully sometime in 2024.

Group photo annual meeting 2014

Archives of Meetings & Worship Groups

Miami Friends Meeting sign and building

The Archives Committee encourages Meetings and Worship Groups to archive their important documents; and has arranged for the records of Monthly Meetings and Worship Groups to be included in the SEYM collection. Records that are of key importance are minutes and newsletters. Membership records, legal documents, images, newsletters, audio and video recordings, and scrapbooks are other bits of history that could be preserved.

To add your Meeting’s records to the SEYM collection, put them in digital format on CDs or DVDs. Scanned documents should be in the form of portable document files (PDF). All digital photos & videos MUST be in one of three formats: JPEG2000 or TIFF or pdf. Do not use GIF or png formats.

Clearly label each CD or DVD (the disc itself, as well as its case) as to content, including Meeting name and year(s). When preparing items for deposit make a list of what is on each CD (for example: Business Meeting Minutes 1989-2000; Worship & Ministry Committee Minutes 1974-86; Meeting Newsletters 1999-2002, etc). Include a copy of the list with the material for deposit to help in preparing an index to the records, and keep a copy of the list since the materials deposited still belong to your meeting.

Mail your CDs and DVDs to the SEYM archive repository:

SEYM Archives
c/o Florence Turcotte
207 Smathers Library
P.O. Box 117005
Gainesville, FL 32611-7005

—the Archives Committee, June 2018

Business Documents

Business Documents include Minutes, Documents In Advance, Epistles, and State of the Meeting Reports. If you need documents not shown here, please contact the SEYM Office.

The SEYM business year begins at rise of Yearly Meeting annual sessions.

Abbreviations on documents:

YBM = Yearly Business Meeting
EC = Executive Committee
FIBM = Fall Interim Business Meeting
WIBM = Winter Interim Business Meeting

Finance Documents

The SEYM Fiscal Year is June 1st – May 31st.

If you have any questions, please email the Treasurer.

About Apportionments & Meeting Contributions to SEYM

The financial needs of SEYM are met primarily by contributions from the constituent monthly meetings which make up SEYM. The apportionments are a way of dividing up the cost of running the Yearly Meeting in a way that takes into account the relative sizes of the monthly meetings. Each meeting or worship group’s apportionment is based on its population statistics, as shown in the latest SEYM directory. For apportionment purposes, each member adult or child in a meeting is counted as one unit and each attender adult or child is counted as one half unit. The total number of units in a meeting is divided by the total number of units in the Yearly Meeting to determine each meeting’s percentage of the whole, which is then multiplied by the Meeting Donation line from the Yearly Meeting General Fund budget to determine the apportionment of the meeting.

As always, the apportionments are intended as guidelines. Each meeting is asked to consider, in the Light, their contribution to the financial support of SEYM.

2023 - 2024

FY 2023-2024 Budget
FY 2023-2024 Apportionments
Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 2nd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 3rd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Year End 2023-2024

2022 - 2023

FY 2022-2023 Budget
FY 2022-2023 Apportionments
Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 2nd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 3rd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Year End 2022-2023


FY 2021-2022 Budget
FY 2021-2022 Apportionments
Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 2nd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 3rd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Year End 2021-2022

2019 - 2020

FY 2019-2020 Budget
FY 2019-2020 Apportionments
Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 2nd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 3rd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Year End 2019-2020

2020 - 2021

2018 - 2019

FY 2018-2019 Budget
FY 2018-2019 Apportionments
Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 2nd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 3rd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Year End 2018-2019

2017 - 2018

FY 2017-2018 Budget
FY 2017-2018 Apportionments
Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 2nd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 3rd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Year End 2017-2018

2016 - 2017

FY 2016-2017 Budget
FY 2016-2017 Apportionments
Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 2nd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 3rd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Year End 2016-2017

2015 - 2016

FY 2015-20216 Budget
FY 2015-2016 Apportionments
Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 2nd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 3rd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Year End 2015-2016

2014 - 2015

FY 2014-2015 Budget
FY 2014-2015 Apportionments
Treasurer’s Report 1st Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 2nd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report 3rd Quarter
Treasurer’s Report Fiscal Year End 2014-2015